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Snow Removal Tips

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Living in Edmonton, we know one thing to be true: the snow is coming. A fresh blanket of snow may look beautiful on a wide open field, but it’s not a welcome sight on your driveway, walkway or sidewalk.

To help you manage snow removal on your property, we have tips and advice from David Pigeon, founder of MIDA Contracting.

Qualico Communities: Why is it important to keep a home’s driveway and walkway clear of snow during winter?

David: The main reason to remove snow from your driveway and walkway is to maintain a safe walking surface for you and other pedestrians. Keeping these areas clear will help prevent snow and ice build-up, which reduces the risk of slips and falls that can potentially lead to injury.

Qualico Communities: What are some tips to ensure safety while shovelling snow manually?

David: Shovel the snow often during heavy snowfalls. If you wait until the snowfall ends to start shovelling manually, it could lead to overexertion and injury with the heavy snow accumulation.

Other health and safety tips for manual shovelling are:

  • Stretch beforehand to help warm up your muscles.
  • Recruit others to shovel with you if it is a large area or the snow is heavy.
  • Take your time and pause for breaks while shovelling.
  • Ensure you are protected from the elements with proper winter outerwear.
  • Drink water before and after shovelling.

Qualico Communities: Are there any special considerations for homeowners who use a snowblower?

David: Everyone who uses mechanical equipment for snow removal should always refer to the owner’s manual for specific safety tips and procedures in operating the equipment. The owner’s manual will have relevant information on usage, maintenance, storage, and safety.

Double check that the area is clear before using snow removal equipment. Keep an eye out for extension cords that may be in use for vehicles, holiday lights or outdoor Christmas decorations. These cords may present a hazard if they become covered in snow and are lying in the snowblower’s path.

Qualico Communities: Are there any dos or don’ts when it comes to using salt to help clear icy patches?

David: As with mechanical equipment, it is recommended to read the instructions on how to properly use an ice melt or salt product. For example, if you have pets, check the fine print to confirm that the ice melt is safe for animals and the environment.

A common myth about ice melt is that you can “set it and forget it.” In fact, most ice melt products need to be cleaned up and removed after a certain period or time. Leaving the pellets in place and continuing to apply ice melt without clearing can damage the concrete surface.

Qualico Communities: What are the best resources for information about snow removal?

David: Your local small engine store or snowblower retailer is always a good source to help with any purchases and advice regarding snow removal. Your nearby hardware store should have a variety of salt and ice melt products to choose from.  Finally, local contractors for snow removal can help with any questions or concerns you may have.

Winter happens every year, so it’s wise to prepare early with the correct tools and winter gear. This will help you make a smooth transition from fall to winter and be ready for the first snowfall (and all the ones that follow).

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